About us

The FBA has, as the only faculty in the Czech Republic, the prestigious international EQUIS accreditation. This means the FBA ranks among the 1% of best business schools in the world. Two of our programmes are regularly placed in the Financial Times global business school rankings. In 2019, the faculty has achieved unprecedented success when ranking on the 18th position within the Financial Times Master in Management Ranking 2019.


Where to find us

Faculty of Business Administration

Prague University of Economics and Business
Nám. W. Churchilla 1938/4
130 67 Prague

Study programmes

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Admission and entrance exams

1) Check if you fullfil all requirements of the respective program (i.e. completed education or level of English)

2) Apply online and provide all requested documentation.

3) Pay application fee of 50 EUR.

4) Go through entrance examination. Programs differ in this respect, check information on their websites. Do not forget to deliver all the required documents in time!

5) Wait for the decision of the program management and the Faculty.

6) Deliver last requested documents and welcome to the Faculty!


Additional information

Many students use the opportunity to participate in exchange programmes with more than 250 partner universities all around the world. The Master in International Management programme (CEMS) is the FBA’s key postgraduate, pre-experience degree offered in English.

Within the CEMS Alliance, 33 world-class academic institutions collaborate together, such as the University of St. Gallen, the London School of Economics, Università Bocconi, HEC Paris or ESADE Business School, and, since 2018, the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business from the USA. The exclusiveness of the programme is further heightened by the fact that only one business school per country can be a member.


Faculty of Business Administration

Prague University of Economics and Business
Nám. W. Churchilla 1938/4
130 67 Prague